From Snow to Sun, Sun, Sun
Yesterday I flew to Florida and arrived to a balmy early evening in the mid 60's. Now this is the way to avoid a cold winter in WalesPoor Gill on the other hand is trying to get her car out of the drive-way, so she can go shopping for food. It's still MINUS 5C at home
Sorry Gill, but it's 84F today and the beach is calling me. I can hear it's sweet dulcit tones ringing as the waves lap gently towards the shore-line and the warm breeze brush my face.
Can you see it, can you almost feel it and smell it,..... go on, breath it in........... Ahhhhhh Florida, I love it

If anyone has any comments to make about leaving my wife at home, please don't leave them here
Forget leaving mum at home, you left me at home too!!
I like sunshine too!!
You left Mum at home . . .not to mention me and Lee . . .Jerk.
P.S. Don't forget the cinnabons!!!
The word 'Jerk' and Cinnabons just don't go together!!!!!
Haha! I was born here! I'm glad I get to see Steve!
Ok, I do with that the rest of you were here as well! I love you guys!
I wouldn't mind being outside in the minus degrees weather! We were all going to go out sledding today, but then little Madame decided to throw up all night :( Poor dear. Callum and Jeff enjoyed their sledding though, and Freya's just been the cuddliest little feverish babe in the world ever.
84f does sound good, nasty man to brag about it.
When I said "with" in my last comment it was supposed to be wish.
i thought you just had a lisp, Tara.
i hope you are missing me lots while you're in the sunshine,
cos if your not i will, i will
ummmmm yes i will throw a snowball at ya!
Yup, missing you loads and loads
Florida is too cold for me. Im moving to Brazil. If that doesnt work, then Im in trouble.
Oh Lord! Look, I didn't mean the jerk thing, it just slipped out and stuff . . . yeah that's what happened.
Anyway come home soon, you're throwing off my world by not being a part of it for a few days. Geez! You can't do that to a pregnant woman! We're very unstable you know.
Florida! I need to change careers fast so I can fly off to sunny Florida in the midst of a storm.
Have a Cinnabon for me. They are way too fattening and more weight is something I don't need right now.
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