I am a New Creation!

Well here's the long awaited scan pic, I'm sure you already seen it on the kids blogs!!!
but here's our thoughts:
well, the amazing thing is that when I've had other peoples scans pics waved in front of me over the years all I've ever seen is a shadowy black 'n white blurry monster thingy.... and I've seen the excitement of the face of the scan pic waver and I've really really tried to join in their enthuasiam, way to go!!! which way up is it again? Is this the head? no its the bum!!! oh yeah .
Now I know that I'm probably just a little bit biased, cos its the first gandbaby and all.
But this one is a REAL baby, with a head and legs and everything!!!!
I think he even looks a little like me.......
Anyways here's the thought:
If we can see, due to clever techie stuff, a baby before its birth.
I got to wondering if God was seeing all the 'spiritual' ultrasound scans of all the people in our world that are not yet born-again.
As yet unborn.. Of course He must!
He sees at what stage of development they're at and how long they've got to go before re-birth!
All the people that we see in day to day life, some we know and some we don't know, the lady on the checkout, the man at the petrol station, the postman.... In the streets where we live.
People in our own families.....
Has the seed of God been planted in their spirits but we can't see it? has conception taken place? and the 'new creation' is growing in the secret place that only God sees ????
- Maybe the ones we think are barren are only days from delivery!
God open our spiritual eyes to see the spiritual ultrasound of the unborn,
and help us as your people to give good ante-natal care........ Amen
I think God's ultrasound is a bit clearer than ours too!!
I think it's cuz way back in the day God was all like "Hey Earth, drink lots of water so I can see the ultrasound of my unborn people"
And earth was all like "But God, my bladder can't hold very much and what if I have to pee?"
So then God was like " Don't worry, I'll stretch out your bladder amoung the land so that you'll have supernatural control over your functions - and be blessed earth for doing my will even when you thought you couldn't"
The moral of this story - all pregnant women are hardcore blessed not only for doing God's will and multiplying, but for trusting in God and believing that they'd be able to hold all that water in their system to bless their husban and close family with a picture of the miracle in her womb!
Ha! I'm blessed!!
Little Britain is awesome!!!!!!!
some of it is hilarious....
just close your eyes and ears during the rude bits!
love that bean!!!!!!
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