Radio Man
Yesterday I had to stay home and work while Steve gallavanted off to UCB to go live on the Radio at 8.30am with Anne Henderson. Now this is okay I guess, but there I am just listening in on my TV, when on she comes and promptly announces
"Good morning listeners this morning I've got a handsome looking guy sitting opposite me,...... Steve Houghton from Prayer Week.
Now fortunatley, I'm not the jealous type and fortunatley I agree with her, he is.............. but did it sound like she was flirting to you???????
Should I let him out on his own again?
Answers welcome via the comment system
By the way, he did a great job,.... so natural and happy as he gabbed his way through a LIVE interview. I was very proud.
Mind you, if you know Steve, you will know that talking has always been a strong point of his!
I think you should go down there and punch her in the face!!
But she is right, Dad is a good looking guy!
naagh! voilence is not the way, what sort of upbringing did you have!!!
anyway, I like her, she's nice
...and she's got good taste
Gill x
I agree with Lee, Jeff could teach you a few karate moves if you want.
I can't believe what a violent bunch you all are!
I was thinking more on the lines of keeping him in under lock 'n key, where I can keep a beady eye on him!!!!!
Or maybe I'll dress him wierd before I send him out next time......
what do you mean, I do that already????
you could go with him next time Gill. I wish I had known he was on I could have listened to him. All I have been doing the last few days is sitting here feeling poorly!!!
HEY!! my bible does have Jonah, right there on pages 1076 and 1077, how cool's that!
Hi christine, that is cool....
I'm worried about you
you're worried about me?
Is it my lack of knowing where the book of Jonah is, or is it that I spend too much time online?
don't worry... be happy,
Jesus said that I think.
I think we all spend too much time online blogging!
but it's more fun than working...
I was a bit worried about jonah, I thought he'd run away from your bible...
In mine he hides, he's a hard bloke to pin down AND he seems to move around it!!!!
Gill x
You'd think he'd have learned his lesson about being in the place where God wanted him. Sheesh, some guys.
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