Happy Hannakuh

The Jewish population in West Palm Beach were in party mood, with dancing, music and singing....we had fun!
What a place to celebrate the 'festival of lights'
City Place was lit up big time, every palm tree, bush, shrub or building was ablaze with lights.
Go to FILM CLIP to see a 1 minute clip but be warned this is over 4mb in size
We had to go without Alex because he was working, arhhh! But we bought him a big slice of Cheescake to go from Cheesecake Factory.... yummmmm!
Temperature dropped to 45' last night, hey I thought this was Florida! Whatever next?? SNOW!!!!
That's almost as cold as Canada!!
It's wam here, almost 40 degrees!
Who'd have thought we'd have almost the same weather!
it's minus 5 here - and snow on the way - You are in Florida !!
I love how snow is this huge thing!!!
I've missed my pretty white powder, but will be glad when we fly away from it, mostly cuz it makes the bottom of your jeans all wet and gross, not fun for people trying to make a fashion statement.
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