Into the land of KrispyCremes MMMmmmmm!!!

Yes, yesterday we ventured into the weird and crazy world of Krispy Cremes, Original flavoured, cinnamon glaced flavoured, chocolate covered flavour Mmmmmm!!!!! Yummy, be jealous you bloggers, drool at the very sight of such deliciousness!!!!!
Be honest you want one, don't you
Notice the cryptic message to all of you out there who may be checking us out, on the front of the box a little message, 'Need FUNds', well it's that sort of place, money just runs through the fingers here but it sure is FUN.
Anyway, today we are up early as it's Tara's birthday and we are out for the day, having more FUN. Blog tomorrow, see ya!!!!
Hey!, glad to see you're enjoying your hols! Thank you for adding the Flickr link!
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