Are you Willing?
‘2006’-Step out of the Old and into The New … Are You Willing?
A New Year….Out with the old, and bring in the new. It’s a new season.
The Lord says “Forget the former things, behold I am doing a new thing!”
I believe that God is saying we are entering into a new move of the Spirit, we’ve had revelation, we’ve had experience, now is the time of manifestation…..
But not as before, not as we expect!
God is going to move by His Spirit to bring about the manifestation of healing, restoration and the salvation of many..
This is the year of the in-gathering;
God is bringing in the harvest. And he is looking for labourers. Are you willing?
God is preparing his church to receive the lost, the needy, and the broken. We have been comfortable for long enough. We have been prepared for this time.
We have received the Spirit of God in ways that have made us laugh, cry, intercede on our faces before a Holy God, fall down and stand up and fall down again! And we’ve been restored in our deepest hearts, in our inner being….
Renewal ……. It’s all been for a purpose…
We have been prepared for NOW!
It is time to turn all our ‘spirituality’ into ‘practicality’
It is time to rise up as mature believers of God, healed, restored, forgiven, who are prepared to lay down our own agendas, our selfishness, lay down our lives,
to make the house of God accessible to the lost… Are you willing?
To ask ourselves who are we here for? Are we preparing a place that is comfortable for ourselves, the churched?
Or are we preparing a place that is comfortable for the lost, the unchurched?
Its time to look at how we do church, take a fresh look at ourselves through the eyes of the unchurched, your neighbour, your unsaved family member, would they like what they see?
Jesus was called a friend of sinners, he was attractive and appealing, he was real, and he spoke the language of the people. He met people at their point of need….
Are we doing what Jesus would do?
It is time for the harvest….. It is no longer about us;
God wants us to go after the lost sheep… Are you willing?
We have to lay aside our traditions, our way of doing things, our desires, our style of worship, because it is no longer about the sheep in the pen, but about the lost sheep who don’t have any understanding of tradition and church style….
It is time to get relevant!!!!!
To reach the generation that we are born into…
You were born for a purpose… Don’t miss it!!!
Serve the purposes of God in your generation…….
Rise to the challenge!
Are you willing to say, “Yes Lord, count me in!”
Yes Lord, Count me in!!!!
Just joking. We are ready and willing to go woohoo!
I'll be honest, I didn't read the entire blog entry because I struggle with Attention Defecit Disorder and my attention was lost at about the second paragraph.
But as soon as Lee gives me my drugs that help me concentrate I will get right back to reading this and let you know what my response is as well . . .
Oh, ok, YES!!!
Hello Gill and Steve, great to see you have entered the blogging world.
Yes I am willing to be counted in this new move of God.
Somebody gave me a copy of this prophecy given to a fellowship in Penmaenmawr, thought you might like to see it.
Come Forth! Ye sons of God:
For this is your day and this is your hour:
And that which is in you, let out.
Yea, all that is within you, express
From your fingers, from your mouth,
From your mind, from your heart.
Display to the world that which you know.
Display to the world the One whom you serve with power and anointing.
Come Forth!
Come Forth! Ye Sons of God:
Fear not anymore
For you are not the tail, You are the head.
Why don't you believe it?
And Come Forth in the Glory that is your Fathers
You are Sons. You bear the Crown from heaven not of earth.
You are the ones through whom - you are the ones through whom He moves today.
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