Thou Shalt Not.......
'thou shalt not weigh more than thy refridgerator'this is a new commandment that is doctrinally sound and well worthy of consideration to one and all of you believing bloggers.
Yes we have started to try once more to lose those few extra pounds or 'so' that attatch themselves to ones hips, bum and tum.... Then simply refuse to budge!
How they got there is one of life's great mysteries known only to the owners of the 'cheesecake factory'
But the fact remains we are fat! fat! fat!
The new diet is low-fat, low-sugar, low-carb, low-calories, low-food,
Simply eat dust m'dear!

You know you could try the diet I'm on - it's called eat and then throw up!
A.K.A. that thing that weird girls do to stay thin (I can't spell it)
Warning: side effects of this diet may entail dehydration and not good teeth.
Anyway, good luck with the "Low" diet, maybe when I'm back to eating and possibly gaining weight, we could all try to lose weight together!
I ate alot of cheesecake factory food over the holidays. I lost 3 pounds. Its the cheesecake factory diet (that only works for skinny welshmen). Hurrah!
We are going to join a Gym and become body builders for 1 week. That is the plan.
just eat dust, as much as you like its very low in fat!
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