Okay Here it is.........

A young man was going to be house-sitting for a rich, eccentric man. The
homeowner told the young man that he would have the house for 3 months, could drink and eat anything in the house, use all the electronic equipment, make long distance phone calls, have parties, swim in the pool, and on and on.
The young man was just amazed, and thinking "OH YEAH". But finally, the man told him that the one thing he could not do was touch his gorilla.
Gorilla? Sure enough, the man took him to the basement, through a series of doors that were locked, and more and more complicated and difficult to open, and finally, there in a huge room was a gigantic gorilla in a cage.
The young man was so stunned, and shy, he did not ask why he couldn't touch the gorilla, he just nodded his head.
The man left. For weeks the young man had a ball. Parties, friends, food,
it just never stopped. Until, finally, it was all getting rather tiresome. He resorted to watching TV. Then he really got bored. It was at this point
that he decided to investigate the gorilla. And as he opened all those doors, he decided he was going to touch the gorilla. What could happen?
And, so, he did. The gorilla went crazy, banged the sides of the cage,
until it fell apart. But by this time the young man was running through the
house, and heard the gorilla following him. Finally he ran out the door, jumped in the closest car (which happened to be a nice convertible) and peeled out.
The gorilla was right behind him. He was going 30 mph. The gorilla was
right behind him. 40 mph. Right behind. 50 mph. Right behind. 60 mph.
Right behind. He went even faster, and the gorilla could keep up... it was
so scary.
Finally, he was going just over 100 mph. The gorilla was still right
behind him and catching up!
Then he saw this big hairy arm reaching out ... coming for him. The gorilla
touched him on the shoulder and said
................"Tag, .....you're it!"
That's a truely terrible joke!!
i was waiting for the big spiritual lesson.
I was also waiting for some kind of lesson . . .and I have to say, I would've let the gorilla out, cuz he deserves to be in his natural habitat.
Poor gorilla, so misunderstood.
Oh brother! I have been waiting all week for an entry from you two funny British people and this is the results? It reminded me of the joke, the only joke that Ron tells about a man on a moped! Get him to tell it the next time your in Canada. He does voices and everything!
Anybody got a spare PANCAKE..... our cooker has gone on the blink.
It may be our strange humour but did noboby get the 'tag' joke within the joke?? ...too clever for ya huh?
thought you would've tara!
oh well i'm gonna blog some pancakes now, i know I'm a day late but what the hey!
i didn't, but i'm a thit bick......
Yah, I noticed so I just gave up! And the joke was way tooooo lame to even comment!
haha gotcha!
but the moral of the story is that the pleasures of this world are fleeting, and ultimately leave you unsatisfied.
and always always be aware of gorilla's cos they can't be trusted, they prowl around looking for someone to devour...
watch out you don't get tagged!
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