Never mind the Valentine bring on the Pancakes

Well, this may be controversial but as the last post of ours generated NO comments (what's the matter with you people, Cat caught your tongue???) , I thought I'd follow on from Lee (see IHOP) and talk about Pancakes.
Now I know it's Valentines day next week, Gill and I always agree to pass that one by as far as we are concerened it should be valentines day everyday.... HA! I hear you say, but ask Gill first... it's true and we hate entering into the exhorbatent expense of a so called 'Special Day'. Ok?????
Now, here in the UK we have another special day called 'Shrove Tuesday'........ in lay-mans terms it's 'PANCAKE DAY'. Do you know when it is this year???? Well, you'd better find out or your going to miss it. Now you might be saying to yourself, we can have pancakes anyday, especailly those of you across the big pond, but 'Pancake Day is special, people do the weirdest things with them. They Toss Them???? They run with them in a 'frying pan' and have races through the streets????? They Throw them???? The list is endless and only the Brits could come up with such an amazing day.

Now our friend Christine mentioned she had a special recipe, so we've pressed her!!!!! and here it is
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon sugar
2 large eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
1 1/3 cups milk
butter for frying
put all the ingredients into a blender and blitz.
leave the batter for 20 minutes before using it. Allow 2 tbsps of batter per pancake, cook in hot buttered pan, when the upper side of the pancake is blistering and bubbling it's time to cook the second side, and this needs only about 1 minute, if that.
Don't blame me if you get fat!................. Hhhhmmmmmmmm PANCAKES!!!!!!!!!
Now if everyone's pancakes turn out bad they'll all blame me!
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I hadn't tried this recipe for over a year and the ones i made this morning were a bit stodgy (must be out of practice, or maybe because i was feeling rather flu-ish today) so i've been looking for tips.
Here's what i'm gonna try next time.
Separate the eggs, and keep the whites apart, throw everything else in the blender and whizz together as normal, then whip up the 2 egg whites till stiff and fold them into the mixture. hopefully this will help make em a bit fluffier!
the thing about cooking pancakes is that you've either got the knack or you haven't....
So don't blame the recipe! ha
are you anointed for it????
thats the question, ummmmm.....
-if God has called you, He will give you all that you need.... someone just said that to me...
....i think it refers to pancakes ;)
so are you saying that the ability to make good pancakes is not an earthly talent but a spiritual gift? what week is Steve preaching on that one?, i'll be there
But if I started to live life according to the pancake - I'd have to start writing as the Memoirs of the Short Fat Welshman
i think its this sunday!? ummm maybe...
but the question is.....
do you like good ol' english pancakes best? or american ones?
ummm good question......
but whats the answer?
'that'll be the day'
english, with sugar and lemon.
Yup, english but just sugar
Steve (sweetie)
North American!!!
Because their thick and fat and nothing goes with them like good ol' Canadian maple syrup!
english pancakes with golden syrup
:-) mmmmmmmmm......
I prefer american pancakes wrapped in British ones with a layer of chocolate on the inside and outside with crunchies stuck to the outside. Just the way Tara makes them. Lovely. Everytime I eat one I lose weight too. But thats true with any food that I eat. Just thought I would mention that.
grrrr... no fair!
His time will come..... just you wait and see
the winning lady in the pic has a gorgeous smile.
I love Alex!
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