Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oh you of Little Faith......

Well, the conference is over, and it was a great time for us all!
Why do we worry? ......Oh you of little faith!

There was an amazing sense of family and unity in the church for the whole time.
Meeting people that we had never met before except by e-mail, showed us how wonderfully the Lord is using the medium of the internet to connect us as Christians all around the nation and further afield.
Peter flew in from Texas and John from France! Steve & Mary from Isle of Skye, Angie from Cornwall.... and many many more, every region was represented.
......What commitment to the vision!

Listening to the teachings, the seminars and the testimonies, peoples different experiences of prayer week, they were exciting and envisioning, stirring us up to think that maybe we could take an idea or two for ourselves.......

Worship, well what can we say? it was loud, contemporary, anointed and AWESOME!

Godfrey Birtill is the only guy we know who can stir up the warrior spirit within you through his music, he carries the sound of today, the sound of a nation is despair and the sound of the army arising in a new strength to bring healing, restoration and deliverence to a broken land, and a hurting, lost people!

The team at 'PDBC' who served in all areas, from cleaning, cooking, welcoming etc. were simply the best, they made the conference for us the easiest we've ever done!
when every part of the body is working together for the good of the church, well, it is how God meant to be. Thanks guys, we were overwhelmed by your willing hearts, we couldn't do it without you....

Prayer Week is now happening in 79 different nations throughout the world.
We are being prepared to reap a global harvest!!!!!!
There is power in standing together in prayer (Matthew 18:19)
So what will happen when we find the whole world praying together for the week 7-14th May???????
I tell you...God is on the loose!!!!!

Are you encouraged... envisioned... and empowered?
If you're not already, why not join us forPrayer Week 2006.

check out: www.prayerweek.com


At 11/2/06 20:51, Blogger Steve & Gill said...

wot???? no comments!!**%$£!!

At 15/2/06 17:20, Blogger Steve & Gill said...

thanks Becky for taking pity on the olders!!!!


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