SNOW, Snow, wonderful snow

Yes it's snowing BIG TIME. Looks like Canada here.......... funny sort of springtime.
The road outside is blocked with cars so we are going no-where. HaHa.
Got a feeling they will all want to use our loo soon.
Pics look great............. he's looking at you Tara, I was so jealous when I saw you in Conneticut but now it's here too
Looks like you're having fun in the snow!
I'm sat here at work, can't go anywhere because I'm snowed in!! All the roads have ground to a halt, I'm trapped!!
Getting home is going to be like the movie 'Day After Tomorrow', I'll go as far as the landrover can take me then strap a couple of tennis rackets to my shoes, and trudge on until I reach my beloved!
calm down dears, you're having way too much fun! but seriously isn't this awesome?!!!!!
Awe! I'm jealous now! It is soooooo hot here at the moment! Hehe!
That looks absolutely wonderful! It is soooooooooo pretty! You guys look great too! But I would have to say my favorite is Rosie!
Hey how come you've taken these lovely photos but you haven't put any into Flickr?! Shame on you!
It's so weird that you guys get excited about snow . . . I guess I would too if I were raised in a country that doesn't have snow (at all, or barely ever) - but i wasn't.
And so i secretly chuckle at you and say have fun while the snow lasts. Colwyn Bay's snow has already melted.
we are very excited, we've been checking out some good hills for sledging, for when bean's here, he/she will be excited too!
Hey! it's snowing here like wild fire too. We probably have about 3 or 4 inches now. I absolutely love the snow; it's what winter is all about. I woke up ready to take on bears cause of all the snow. It reminds me of home! Have a great time in it you two!
take on bears?
we only got sheep!
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