-Huh i know i look too young!

but this is my grand daughter, isn't she gorgeous, i think she has my eyes!
Looking at GOD
Sometimes it's good to just sit, wait and be silent. To allow a picture to form in our minds of 'Almighty God'
The setting:-
Rev. 4:2-11 (MsgB)
I was caught up at once in deep worship and, oh!—a Throne set in Heaven with One Seated on the Throne, suffused in gem hues of amber and flame with a nimbus of emerald. Twenty-four thrones circled the Throne, with Twenty-four Elders seated, white-robed, gold-crowned. Lightning flash and thunder crash pulsed from the Throne. Seven fire-blazing torches fronted the Throne (these are the Sevenfold Spirit of God). Before the Throne it was like a clear crystal sea.
Prowling around the Throne were Four Animals, all eyes. Eyes to look ahead, eyes to look behind. The first Animal like a lion, the second like an ox, the third with a human face, the fourth like an eagle in flight. The Four Animals were winged, each with six wings. They were all eyes, seeing around and within. And they chanted night and day, never taking a break:
Holy, holy, holy
Is God our Master, Sovereign-Strong,
The Was, The Is, The Coming.
Every time the Animals gave glory and honor and thanks to the One Seated on the Throne—the age-after-age Living One— [10] the Twenty-four Elders would fall prostrate before the One Seated on the Throne. They worshiped the age-after-age Living One. They threw their crowns at the foot of the Throne, chanting,
Worthy, O Master! Yes, our God!
Take the glory! the honor! the power!
You created it all;
It was created because you wanted it. Rev. 4:2-11 (MsgB)
Our God:-
I turned and saw the voice.
I saw a gold menorah
with seven branches,
And in the center, the Son of Man,
in a robe and gold breastplate,
hair a blizzard of white,
Eyes pouring fire-blaze,
both feet furnace-fired bronze,
His voice a cataract,
right hand holding the Seven Stars,
His mouth a sharp-biting sword,
his face a perigee sun.
I saw this and fainted dead at his feet. His right hand pulled me upright, his voice reassured me:
"Don't fear: I am First, I am Last, I'm Alive. I died, but I came to life, and my life is now forever. See these keys in my hand? They open and lock Death's doors, they open and lock Hell's gates.
Rev. 1:12-18 (MsgB)
When you take the time to look at God. What do YOU see??
Happy Mother's Day

To all Mum's (& Mum's to be :-) who check into this Blogging page
'kids' love you
Spiritual Awakening

I suppose I am just sensitive to what God is saying at the moment.
It's amazing how your spiritual senses sharpen at times of pressure.
I have always known the analogy that when Coal is put under pressure for long period of time it can become a Diamond, but for the first time I found on the net, the comment that Coal is made of 'Dead Living Things'.
Only God can make Diamonds out of Dead Living things !

George Whitfield, John Wesley and other standard bearers of historical revivals withstood harsh attacks from within the established church who complained bitterly of their unorthodox means of reaching people. They shook the system!
But they persisted in thinking outside the box.
Jesus too was slandered & ridiculed but still went after the people who needed him.
People can feel threatened by what they do not understand or is not the norm. But this does not make them right.
In the next 3 years God is going to shake this nation of ours out of it's place of complacency. There is to be a realisation in the church (an Awakening!!!!) that we are the 'Answers to our own Prayers'. That when we ask God to save people, he says GO and save them by sharing the Good News. Jesus said 'The fields are ripe unto Harvest'
When we ask God for 'Revival', he waits for us to 'GO' out and start it, ignite it, stoking the fires of Gods love in peoples hearts.
WE are the Answer........... church systems will be challenged...... as radical believers prepared to be the hands & feet of Jesus............. and 'GO'
Do you 'Live' what you Claim to 'Believe'?

This is the 2nd of two Blogs today, so check out the 1st one before you read this one
Jesus' test of a true disciple was the fruit that eminated from his or her life. he encountered numerous people who talked a good game
(such as the Pharisees), but He was only enthusiastic about those who lived what they claimed to believe.
Many people like to think - and make others think - they are revolutionaries, but their lives betray their deception.
How can you tell if someone is a Revolutionary?
Read on by clicking here(this is a long one and will need all your attention, so take time out and meditate on it)
What is a Revolutionary?
In terms of a Christian Life, what is a Revolutionary?
I believe it to be those whose realise that it will take a revolution in their own thinking and in their own life to become a radical DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ. Every disciple that walked with Jesus had the hallmarks of a Revolutionary.
Their lives, thinking, actions and re-actions all bore the hallmarks of a revolution that took place inside them. Their lives were never the same again?
Romans 12:2 (MsgB)
Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, developing well-formed maturity in you.
Isaiah 61 - It's Time, do you hear the Call??
Isaiah 61:1-3
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me(Called Me)
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,
[2] to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
[3] and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of his splendour.
Do YOU here the Call?
A Prayer!

Psalm 5:1-4 (MsgB)
Listen, God! Please, pay attention!
Can you make sense of these ramblings,
[2] my groans and cries?
King-God, I need your help.
[3] Every morning
you'll hear me at it again.
Every morning
I lay out the pieces of my life
on your altar
and watch for fire to descend.
I am Revolting, Are You??

please feel free to leave a comment
JESUS the Revolutionary
For out of the ashes will come a New Thing
(taken from a prophetic word given to me 3 days ago)
This is a long Blog so I have done a link to most of it.Websters dictionary define a revolutionary as
"someone committed to the thorough replacement of an established government in the hope of seeing radical change in society and social structures"
Link no longer available.... go buy the book at www.barna.org

Lets worship Him
Here I am humbled by your Majesty
Covered by your grace so free
Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man
Covered by the blood of the Lamb
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in your hands
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by your love
In the presence of your Majesty
Here I am humbled by the love that you give
Forgiven so that I can forgive
Here I stand, knowing that I'm your desire
Sanctified by glory and fire
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
When is a CheeseBurger not a CheeseBurger?

Last night we had a yummy scrumptious meal at
The Bistro in Conwy with our friends Pete and Midge...... Best ever food!
We had the 'posh cheeseburger', which in fact turned out to be a fillet steak, with cheese, bacon, mushrooms and lots of other things I forget, all in a delicious sauce!
Now Midge is at weight-watchers today so she had hers minus the bread, and as we are on the fat-fighters diet, I did likewise, so please don't worry about the calories, it was all very low in fat,
as I was assured by that little voice that whispers in my ear at times like that, funny how he seems to turn up at meal times!
He also said it was okay to have the pavlova and the little nibbly bits that were brought out before and after the meal!
Ha! I will be so thin soon.... I love this diet!!!!
Lazy Day for Steve-O

It's been a very busy weekend and today my Steve-O had a very tired, baggy, saggy face.
So he came home from work early and gave himself permission to have a lazy day.
he watched DVD's of CSI, played PS2 and ate nice food and drink.... ummm it did him good!
Do you like it??

Hi everyone
Yes , as you can see I have a new car. It's a Ford Fiesta, but do you like the FUNKY Green. I love it, it's great wooohoooo.
Okay, get a grip girl.................

Ahhhhhh, i'm so thrilled!
Home again
Hi Folks
Just to say I made it after 15 hours journeying, with 5 hours asleep - Praise the Lord.
Bad traffic all the way home, a shower and straight to church to meet people who might want to know about our call to the Pastorate at PDBC.
Did I just say, what you think I said.
Yes i did,................. more at a later date. Right know I'm feeling a little run down

Home soon

I hate being away on my own
Happy Dedication Day

Report Posted at 8.45pm GMT
This is Pastor Norman Benz

It was Amazing.
From the moment the worship kicked in, I started to cry. God was so present, all i could do was give thanks to a Great Big God who does Great Big things. This place is a testimony to the goodness of God, to His mercy, His grace, His compassion and his LOVE for His children
They worshipped with abandon.... I cried
The dance troupe danced... I cried
The banner proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus and a picture of His throne came out and was paraded down the centre ailse.... I cried
People followed the banner bringing gift offerings, of flowers, fruit, incense oil..... I cried
Pastor Norman got up and prayer.... I cried
What do I remember most about the dedications service, ........ Yes you guessed it......
the DVD from PDBC............... Gill laughed and I cried. The church laughed..... and I cried
Did I enjoy today?................ well yes of course I did
See you all soon
Greetings from a soggy Florida
From Snow to Sun, Sun, Sun
Yesterday I flew to Florida and arrived to a balmy early evening in the mid 60's. Now this is the way to avoid a cold winter in Wales
Poor Gill on the other hand is trying to get her car out of the drive-way, so she can go shopping for food. It's still MINUS 5C at home
Sorry Gill, but it's 84F today and the beach is calling me. I can hear it's sweet dulcit tones ringing as the waves lap gently towards the shore-line and the warm breeze brush my face.
Can you see it, can you almost feel it and smell it,..... go on, breath it in........... Ahhhhhh Florida, I love it

If anyone has any comments to make about leaving my wife at home, please don't leave them here
SNOW, Snow, wonderful snow

Yes it's snowing BIG TIME. Looks like Canada here.......... funny sort of springtime.
The road outside is blocked with cars so we are going no-where. HaHa.
Got a feeling they will all want to use our loo soon.
Pics look great............. he's looking at you Tara, I was so jealous when I saw you in Conneticut but now it's here too
It not only looks good but tastes very good too.
What a difference a day makes
Happy St David's Day

For those who don't know it, Today (March 1st) is St David's Day.
St David is the patron saint of Wales and was one of the first people to bring the gospel into Wales, way back in 589AD
The Flag of St David is associated with Wales and appears as a black field with a gold cross . This flag was originally taken from the Coat of Arms of the Diocesan of St David. The black and gold (yellow) flag is flown in Wales today as well as the Red Dragon. It's true meaning represented the 'Light of the Gospel, brought into the Darkness'
The most famous story about Saint David tells how he was preaching to a huge crowd and the ground is said to have risen up, so that he was standing on a hill and everyone had a better chance of hearing him.
St David's Day has been a national festival in Wales since the 18th century, and is still marked with gusto.
Many people will wear either a
daffodil or a
leek, which are both symbols of Wales.
So, you are asking yourself, why am I holding a Daffodil in my mouth. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time and I was very unhappy I missed my Pancakes Yesterday. (They don't taste the same I have to say)