If it's God do it (and if it's not, STAY AT HOME STUPID)
Ever had one of those days where you think - I just wish I hadn't bothered - well that's how Thursday went for me....................
We finished the i61 Wednesday Deeper meeting at about 10pm and I looked at my watch wondering how quickly i could get away. My morning train was leaving Colwyn Bay at 5.25AM................ which meant getting up at some ridiculous hour of the night to have a quick shower and make it down the the station in time.
Getting up went well and I made the train on time (this was probably the highlight of the day as the rest was downhill). 4 hours to Cardiff, the only interesting bit was when all the school kids (of a very psoh school) got onto the train at Ludlow and absolutely crammed it to capacity for two stops. They all got off at Hereford. Boy did it go quiet...................
Arrived Cardiff almost on time, it began to rain and I had almost a mile to walk. I thought about a taxi and decided it was only drizzling so set off walking. Half way, the heavens opened

I walked as fast as I could but, trust me it makes no difference, you still arrived SOAKED. Then came the toughest preach I've ever done ever and probably will ever do. There were about 80 delegates in the main hall for the opening session, the welcome and they would be breaking up into 3 seminars after the coffe break, one of which was mine........................
God was about to give me a sharp lesson in HUMBLE............... oh yes, don't ever think your above a good humbling................. don't ever think you can just go and do a session and expect people to turn up.
I tell you, when you are up against BIG speakers like Jeremy Jennings who is the prayer co-ordinator for Alpha worldwide, you ain't got a chance. By the way Jeremy is one of the nicest guys you could meet.
I set up my computer to the projector and prepapred myself to share my message and then it happened. Into the room came Jonathan Benz, my good friend from Florida, Richard Treacy who was the MC for the session. A sound guy and TWO people, yup you got it TWO.
The room looked a little sparse to say the least. 50 seats and TWO people.
It was at this moment I cried out inside to GOD.................. well you would wouldn't you. Inside I decided instantly 'Give it all You've got'........................... so I did. I preached for 45 minutes about vision and sat down exhausted.
What was that all about, I asked God...................... back came the answer "Did I ask you to come and do this?"............................... GULP!!!!!!
It rained hard as I walked back to the trian station and sat on the train soaked through for 4 hours.
It was great to see Gill at the end of a LONG day....................... she'd spilt RED nailpolish on the upstairs carpet and it won't come out................. but hey! He's Still God..............
Now I'm re-evaluating all I'm doing for God, so if you have a word, or a verse that you think is from God for me, please share it.
Why did I share this????? Because I didn't want to................ have a great day
This probably doesn't help, but :
and: sniff.
and: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
That probably wasn't a word from God, but, well Awwwwwww.. I'm praying.
Hey, one of those two people could have been Billy Graham!!! , wait, he died right? oh.
Hey, Ummm.. remember standing on the steps at PDBC some years back and only one person turned up?
And look, I found a verse.
If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing.
Oh, you mean a Bible one?
a bible one would have been good, but I'll settle for this one, it made me whistle.............. I get over things pretty quickly, blogging helps.
Oh, and yes I was reminded of the one women on the steps when I started. Thanks for the prayers
what you need to do is a weird self-portrait. that helps me, anyways.
Speech? a speech *sigh*
Oh, Okay.
I'd like to thank my husband and my two wonderful children who did most of the clapping and cheering.
I'd like to thank my pastor Gill for telling me nice things and building me up.
And I'd like to thank my pastor Steve for beginning my operatic career when he asked me to play a pregnant virgin in a Christmas play.
Oh, and everyone else who knows me.
*Exits for final time despite calls of " come back, come back!" *
so you happy yet, or what?
Happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, mmmmmmmmmm yes, could you do that again please :-)
Very nice! (I meant Christine's comments by the way)
N"H"BT :)
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