Lets Celebrate! It's Party Time! Happy Weekend!!!

Hi Everyone.... Gill 'ere...
It's been an exciting week, lots to celebrate this weekend
Kyria coming into our lives! thats a most amazing wonderful event, were grandparents now!!!!
how cool is that?????

Sarah had her 21st Birthday, kinda lost in the arrival of her sweet 'lil daughter.
but happy 21st Sarah, love ya lots!, you're a woman now, 21 !!
Lee's coming up to celebrating his 30th soon! Steve also has a birthday coming soon too and Phil and Alan.... anyone else I've forgotten?
Ray&Bex are celebrating a new begining in their lives by going to Bible school down south!
Also Sarah's family Mom, Ron, Cassie & Reiley have been to stay from Canada, great fun but sadly we have to say goodbye this weekend....Arhhhh! come back soon.

Joachim had a birthday last tuesday, he's 8.. what a great guy... we love him so much.
but I'm next... It's my birthday tomorrow, hoorah!
Also the great success of i61 and the summer kids club, yep. it's all good!
If you are in the area Saturday afternoon do call in and say Happy Birthday to me....
oh yeah, and happiness, love, congrats and blessings to all the others.....
(bring food, drink etc. standing room only if you all come eek!)
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party.
I would like you to dance
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance
I would like you to dance
we can do the Cha-Cha
wanna see???????????
Hope you enjoyed your day! (and presents?)
i had alovely day and some really beautiful pressies and cards and flowers and friends and family!!!!!!!
i think i left my olive oil at your place.
yes you did - shall I e-mail it to you!
yeah it's true i admit it.... yummy!!!!!
Thanks to everyone for making Gill's birthday such fun. It also overflowed into Sunday with more cards and gifts.
Our morning room is swamped with cards in every corner. New grandparent and birthday cards.
We feel so loved......... Ta!! ..... sniff.....
Can someone pass me a hanky??
Hi Gill
Not been reading blogs so frequently so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY from St Ives, sorry we missed the day, but really pleased you had a great time.
Take a look at our blog and meet our new baby?
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