Me and My Big Mouth!

Prov. 18:21 Words kill, words give life;
they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.
“Me and my big mouth” how many times have I said that?
How many times have I opened my mouth and put my foot right in it???
Ever said something and immediately wish that you hadn’t,
Wish you could take it back?
It sometimes seems like the mouth has a mind of its own!
The source of most of your problems can be found within you—from the neck up,
You'll find them in the thoughts that come from your mind
And the words that come from your mouth.
We must really get an understanding of the incredible power carried by our thoughts and words.
They are so powerful that they can bring either good things or bad things into our lives, depending on their nature.
Many years ago, my life was sad because of years of wrong thinking and speaking.
In fact, my philosophy of life was, "don’t expect too much, you’ll never be disappointed."
I was very cynical and negative.
My thoughts were negative, which caused my words to be negative...
Which all reflected badly in my life.
Finally it was Steve who pointed this out to me, he said,
“Will you listen to yourself, stop being so negative, stop putting yourself down”
I realized he was right, it was a habit that I had gotten into…
So I decided I needed to do something about it, I needed to change my ways and stop talking so negatively.
Not easy… Habits can be hard to break.
And after a while I realized that I needed to do more than just not talk negatively.
Cutting out the negative wasn't enough…
I had to begin to think and talk positively!
I think some people try to control their mouths but do nothing about their thoughts.
That is like pulling off the top of a weed--unless the root is dug up, the weed always comes back.
You'll never control your mouth,
Unless you first learn to control your mind.
The Bible tells us that we can transform our life by changing our thoughts.
Romans 12:2 Be transformed into a new person by changing the way you think.
Remember, what is in our hearts and minds will come out of our mouths……. They are linked.
If our mind is full of negative things, we'll find those things coming our way.
You are what you think, and you get what you say!
Well, I can’t help what I think can I?
Yes you can … it may take some practice but you can do it!
When a depressing, negative though comes into your mind, you can choose, you can dwell on it, nurture it, embrace it, feed it - you can make it grow.
And pretty soon you will end up depressed, that thought will effect your emotions, your attitude and your life!
It will take over.
Or you can choose when that depressing thought comes your way, you can dismiss it.
And say it may be something that’s happening right now, but I’m not going to dwell on it.
I’m not going to start to worry about the 'what if’s' and all the negative possibilities,
no I’m not going down that route.
Are you in a rut of negative thinking and life is getting you down?
The first step to get out of that mess is recognizing that the only person who can improve the situation is YOU!
We must take responsibility for our own actions.
As long as we make excuses for ourselves and blame other people we will never be free to live our lives to the full
We must realize that to a large extent, we can control our own destinies.
We are not in the hands of ‘fate’ or ‘chance’…..
We have to learn to choose the right thoughts, its time to think about what you’re thinking about!
And watch your mouth, the words that you speak!
Don’t criticize your kids - don’t criticize your partner -
Speak words of life that build up not tear down……
Your words have power…
So this week, think about what you’re thinking about…….
Listen to what you say….
Or as Steve said to me. Will you listen to yourself?
For full message check out i61 podcast 6/8/06
Wow, it's like deja vu!
I'm sure I heard someone talking about this only yesterday!
It's worth hearing it again and again and again till we get it! It was a TOP message Gill, I'm off to eat some good fruit now!
I like you - you make me laugh!
Terrific word - you are on fire
By the way, there is something really prophetic about the new picture you chose
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