what every man needs to know about women....

By popular demand, okay here it is - words of wisdom for husbands by Steve-O
1. always let your wife think she's having her own way even when she's not
2. always pay attention even when you're not listening
3. always let your wife have sex whenever she wishes, as long as its with you
4. always open a door for a lady, she will love you for it,
especially when shes pregnant because she can't reach the handle herself.
5. remember the lady loves the belgium chocolates
6. but smarties are cheaper
7. flatulance during romantic encounters are definitely not recommended
8. tell her she looks gorgeous even when she looks like the back-end of a bus,
9. tell her she looks gorgeous especially when she looks like the back-end of a bus.....
10.and last but not least - really REALLY mean it!!!!!
ummmm, maybe one more if all that fails.....
11. better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all......
You are silly!!!!!!!
I agree with the sex and door thing.
I won't expand on that . . .
But just know . . .yeah, nevermind, I won't expand.
3. always let your wife have sex whenever she wishes, as long as its with you. except when you are my PARENTS!!!!!!
Steve, you forgot a very very very important one!
12. Buy your wife flowers at least once a week!
I can't believe my Dad is talking about sex.
I think I'm going to crawl under a rock somewhere and kill myself!!
Tip 13. Don't tell your wife "don't worry, it's just PMS", especially if it is!
steve's wisdom is astounding,
how have they managed to be married for so long you're probably asking yourself???
good tip 13 christine, why do men do that? like your in the middle of an argument they suddenly ask you what the date is, then give that smug look that says ha! argue no more, I win! .....so annoying!!!!!
lee, alex pleaseee dont worry you know it only happened the twice, dad just has a very good memory.
p.s. alex buy tara some flowers
OK - not the wisdom I was necessarily thinking you would write about, but hilarious non the less. My kids get creeped out thinking of me having a sex life too. Only twice Gill? OK?! You two are funny. A sense of humour is an important comody.
twice? in one night? oh my........
very cheeky! you bin on the smarties again?
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