Bats in the Belfry

Guess what? we got bats in the loft! apparently its a nursery colony of about 75 - 100 bats! eekkk! they stay for a few months to have their babies, each momma bat has one baby sometimes twins, rears them, teaches them to fly, then they leave....
Wow just watch them all leave the roost to go out hunting for insects at dusk.............
i am insanely jealous, send em over to me.
I saw a bat last night!
We saw a few bats flying around last night . . .it was a little bit creepy and reminded me of a Dracula movie.
But I have no fear of bats!!! Lee on the other hand . . .does.
Ewe! where is the belfry? Will they be gone when we get there? We had two bats flying around in our house when Lee and Sarah were with us before they got married. Sarah is right Lee was a little sketched out! Riley on the other hand just sat there watching them in wonder. I personally prefer they find their own accomodations and not my upstairs. Yikes!
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