A (mundane) Week in the Life of.........

Do you think Emily might look like this????
Hi Folks,
Okay at last we are back by popular request (or was it a threat or two), but to be honest we haven't got much to blog about, but thought we'd give it a try with a look back at a mundane week in the life of Steve & Gill
The World Cup attempts to grab us (well Steve actually) but in the main we remain fairly undisturbed by it except for watching England. (I just wish they'd really get it together)
So, travel back in time a week and our visit to London.

We had been invited to display Prayer Week at The Alpha Dynamic Prayer Conference in London and drove with a car loaded with stuff to give away, the 4 hours to London only to have the car implode into a ploom of black smoke as we sat in traffic in Chiswick High Street just 4 miles from our destination.
"Hey whose car is smoking so bad - eeeks it's us"
Realised I (Steve) had not renewed my RAC cover and my Landrover warranty ran out last month. Never mind keep smiling :-)
Meekly, rejoined the RAC and then watched a cyclist attempt to clear the bonnet of an oncoming Volvo Estate car, as his bike crunch into the front end with a sickening blow. Man!! did he fly, aaarrgghh did he make a nasty sound as he hit the floor.

Well 4 hours to London and another 4 hours to complete the last 4 miles, 1st being towed, then waiting for a taxi, and to complete the task, trying to get through the London traffici. We kept smiling, even though all the conference gear was still in the Landrover.
Got to the hotel and threw the 2 tickets for Phantom of the Opera we had purchased (at a discount) in the bin. It was already too late to go. But we kept smiling and went out for dinner instead Yummie!!!!
Slept like a log and woke in time to get to Alpha Conference (just). Jeremy Jennings, Co-Ordinator for Alpha prayer, seemed pleased to see us, and he decided to get me (Steve) up to talk about Prayer Week.
Well now that was a good time, those Londoners are so friendly - they laughed when I spoke, then again when I mentioned Eastenders and again when i told them how annoyed I got with apathetic Christians. They laughed when I quoted scripture (When two or more are gathered) and they laughed when I sat down. Funny lot, maybe they were on something - oh Yes it was Holy Spirit, Praise the Lord I thought they had lost it for a moment.
It was a great day. We met with 24-7 Prayer team, met with Julie Anderson of Prayer for the Nations, talked Prayer Week with Nicky Gumbel and sat and chatted with our friend Carl Brettle (he gets everywhere!!!! bit like a rash - HaHa only joking, we love you Carl)

Meeting people is always a chore - we were next in line after Nicky just out of picture
Can't remember the name of the guy in white
Invited to a BBQ at Jeremy's in the evening. Great time had by all. Then on Friday morning we made our way to Euston station, purchased 2 tickets to come home on the 11.30 direct to Llandudno (home by 2.30pm ..... cool!) leave the car and get it next week.
My phone went, it was the garage.............. GOOD NEWS........ the car would be ready by 3pm. Back to the ticket office - long queue - refund on tickets and to Hyde Park for some chill time while we waited 3 hours.
A few ice creams later - It was HOT!!! - we made our way towards the tube to get car.

This is how my car looks to me at this moment
Back to Euston........... queue for 2 tickets.......... make Glasgow train with minutes to spare......... it's packed. Standing room only............. but God helped us find 2 last seast left. Phew!!!!!
Change at Crewe and Lee & Sarah pick up a very weary pair at Colwyn Bay just glad to be home. Still smiling
Saturday............. couldn't get out of bed.............. but work called
Sunday - Fathers Day - preached on 'Why Don't Men go to Church'.............. thank goodness for trains at least you get a chance to work on your sermon, or there would have been little chance to do it.
Monday - work all day............ catching up with work. A weeks worth in a day but got there. Gill putting home back together after we've been away. Likes everything clean and tidy - love that Girl!!!!! Afternoon visting friends like Pete, Midge, Kathryn & Margaret. Great to see them and give them a long overdue HUG
Tuesday 6am Prayer Time - awesome time praying a lot for PDBC and our friends there
Tuesday - BAD NEWS - the work computer breaks down with no back-ups.......... just praying they can sort it out. It's gone to Hospital. Please Lord fix it..............

New expectation of how car may look when I go to pick it up
Tuesday - GOOD NEWS - Loraine rings up to tell us of her TV stardom. ON HTV talking about PDBC and World Cup fever.
Loraine YOU ROCK girl.
Anyway, as far as I can remember that's another mundane week in the life of Steve & Gill, so all that remains to say is that as you've all hassled us to blog the least you can do is COMMENT............. No one is allowed to exit this page without commenting or you'll....... you'll........... you'll BLOW UP
Luv ya all
Steve & Gill
Mundane? Are you kidding? Your week sounds as busy as mine was. I have to tell you though the guy you were in the line up to shake hands with died two years ago. Watch out for rigour mortis, and DECAY. Ewe! Nice car by the way!
You crazy. I love you. But your crazy.
Okay so now I have read your blog you give me a guilt trip about not leaving a comment, as if my week hadn't already been stressful enough without that, what am I supposed to say? If leave just a pathetic comment that doesn't really say anything you'll think that I am just humouring you and if I comment something deep and meaningful then you will all think that I am to serious need to get a life. Great....now I have paranoia and guilt. Hang on...you said that if I don't leave a comment then I blow up?! Does this count as a comment? What's your criteria? Oh great....now I have fear and anxiety.
So there goes MY mundane week. Cheers guys, that's what you get for reading blogs when you're supposed to be working.
poor dears.
I'm the most virrilant rash you'll ever meet !!
Nice to infect you guys !!
Love & Blessings
Oooooh! Virrilant! there is an awfully posh word for a valley boy to be saying. An' I bet you did rrroll those R's most beautiful an' all.
Cool! I want to see someone blowup!
In case your wondering - the one sitting down was me, they all queue these days. I do look much older in white.
Ha Carl, you crack me up, yup I could see you in that role hahaha
Well what a week Steve and Gill - hope you can soon return to normality - whatever that is?!!!
Praise the Lord for the "free of charge fix" anyway.
Love you both.
You forgot to mention the ABSOLUTELY cool card and shirt you got for Father's day. I think if anything that should have been the highlight of this blog!
And I commented, so don't wish any of your exploding-ness on me!
Wow threats really do work, look at all these comments and Yes sarah, I'll Blog the shirt next time - on it's own, WITH PICTURE............ so come on you peekers, get commenting NOW ----- KABOOOOOM ......... toooooo late
I left this page without commenting and didn't blow up!
Did your threat expire or were you telling porky pies??
Maybe it was because God knew I was coming back to comment, darn it!
You got that right Lee, God knows everything that will or has happened, therefore pre-destination is irrelevant.
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