Invitation to the Hog Roast - Sunday

Church starts at 11am - The Hog Roast about 12.15pm - Come for both or just the barbecue and bring a FRIEND (yes,...... you must have one somewhere - think hard!!!!)
Go to the 'About Us' page for more details
We will also be having a Puppet Show at about 11.30am, and a Bouncy Castle available (FREE) both before and after church.

For those budding future World Cup stars (COME ON ENG-ER-LAND - Vindaloo...... Vindalooo.......) we will also have a target goal for the kids to try their luck and see who is the best at footy.
This is David Beckham and this is what England players do when they miss in a penalty shoot out - Oh No! Not Again!!!!!!!
All in all it promises to be a great day.

Hope to see you there - Love Steve & Gill
to see your most recent blog i have to come here, then follow the link to Sarah's blog, then come back here via her "fun-in-laws" link. Happens all the time (well, for the first day of each new blog) weird.
I'd ask my friend (yes, i found one) but she's a strict vegetarian and may just hate me for the rest of her life after seeing that revolving pig, are you going to have a giant revolving tofu as well?
I've decided that I'm either not coming to the hog roast (it's just a tad bit disturbing to see an entire pig, in its original form, being cooked) or I'm going to wear some sort of blinding device so I can't see the carnage being displayed.
Oh, and I've invited Lee, he's my friend and has declared his undying love for me, so I'm pretty sure I can talk him into doing anything I want.
David Beckham has a really strange head
Tofu, sometimes also called doufu (often in Chinese recipes) or bean curd (literal translation), is a food of Chinese origin, made by coagulating soy milk, and then pressing the resulting curds into blocks. The making of tofu from soy milk is similar to the technique of making cheese from milk. Wheat gluten, or seitan, in its steamed and fried forms, is often mistakenly called “tofu” in Asian or vegetarian dishes
Had to look this one up :-)
Blinding devices will be provided upon request
............... and and you're right, He does have a strange head
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