Do you 'Live' what you Claim to 'Believe'?

This is the 2nd of two Blogs today, so check out the 1st one before you read this one
Jesus' test of a true disciple was the fruit that eminated from his or her life. he encountered numerous people who talked a good game (such as the Pharisees), but He was only enthusiastic about those who lived what they claimed to believe.
Many people like to think - and make others think - they are revolutionaries, but their lives betray their deception.
How can you tell if someone is a Revolutionary?
Read on by clicking here
(this is a long one and will need all your attention, so take time out and meditate on it)
Stop messing with my thoughts.
a revolutionary is someone who presses on with what he wants stepping on everyone in his path to get exactly what he wants.
Did i get it wrong? bother....
So okay, God's way is better. count me in. *i'm using my serious face here*
It is a deep one, but just grab the parts that mean something and ask God about the rest
Have a great day..... steve
And he cautions that God Himself may punish those He loves because of their offenses.
This is a really tough one, you rarely hear it, i believe it though and it bothers me somewhat. The power of God and the way he disciplines us is so often never mentioned in church life, whenever i've said that God was teaching me a lesson it's always been "Oh no, no, God doesn't do stuff like that. It wasn't God" It's stayed my belief that it was..
It makes me fear him, but not in a bad way, I know his Loving kindness is bigger than anything and he's poured that out on me like crazy, He's a wonderful Father, but wonderful Fathers discipline their kids. and they do it because they love them.
Very Tough.
Thanks Christine
It really is a tough one but honest of God to let us know in advance that he will, IF he has too.......... sort of becomes our own fault really!!!!!!
Callum's beginning to learn that saying (shouting, pleading, crying) "sorry" doesn't mean that the consequences go away. We forgive him wholeheartedly, love him like crazy, but there the consequences are and he has to face them... Such a tough lesson to learn for everyone.
Oh sorry, this is YOUR blog. *puts away typing fingers for the day*
consequences are something we dont like to think about, can't we just say sorry and it'll all go away?????
I think it's in the consequences and how we deal with them, that God is forming our character.....
Wow, it's certainly challenging.
When you see what God wants from us laid out before you it's easy to see why so many are scared to run with God's call on their lives.
But the fact is, God will not let us fall...
"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for fish, will give him a snake? If you then who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!"
God will give us good things, but how do we get them? What do we have to do?
"Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you."
I want to go for it and become a revolutionary for God, because I know God my Father will be there every step of the way, sure it'll be scary at times, but I know will God behind me I can do anything!
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