I am a New Creation!

Well here's the long awaited scan pic, I'm sure you already seen it on the kids blogs!!!
but here's our thoughts:
well, the amazing thing is that when I've had other peoples scans pics waved in front of me over the years all I've ever seen is a shadowy black 'n white blurry monster thingy.... and I've seen the excitement of the face of the scan pic waver and I've really really tried to join in their enthuasiam, way to go!!! which way up is it again? Is this the head? no its the bum!!! oh yeah .
Now I know that I'm probably just a little bit biased, cos its the first gandbaby and all.
But this one is a REAL baby, with a head and legs and everything!!!!
I think he even looks a little like me.......
Anyways here's the thought:
If we can see, due to clever techie stuff, a baby before its birth.
I got to wondering if God was seeing all the 'spiritual' ultrasound scans of all the people in our world that are not yet born-again.
As yet unborn.. Of course He must!
He sees at what stage of development they're at and how long they've got to go before re-birth!
All the people that we see in day to day life, some we know and some we don't know, the lady on the checkout, the man at the petrol station, the postman.... In the streets where we live.
People in our own families.....
Has the seed of God been planted in their spirits but we can't see it? has conception taken place? and the 'new creation' is growing in the secret place that only God sees ????
- Maybe the ones we think are barren are only days from delivery!
God open our spiritual eyes to see the spiritual ultrasound of the unborn,
and help us as your people to give good ante-natal care........ Amen
How to get along with difficult people!
'Can't we just kill 'em, and tell God they died'This is a book title that I love, it makes me laugh....
yeah I know I've an odd sense of humour!!!
.....Call yourself a christian! huh?
But it comes to mind frequently in the average day in the life of me (Gill) in the crazy world of christendom and beyond....
although I have never read that book, the title was enough to help me through a tricky day or two.... and if you are anything like me, I thought it may help to share it with you.
Sarah even came up with an ingenious plan involving a gun with ice bullets that would do the trick and leave no evidence... wow-what a gift my darling daughter-in-law is to me, love her to bits!
Anyways I believe that God is working on my character, I think He said something to me about using iron on iron to sharpen us up... But oh boy some peoples iron is so sharp it cuts!!!!!!
Dieting is wishful shrinking!
Here's the new 'fat-fighters' diet:
first you make a list of everything you eat.
second you divide it in half. and eat half the amount.
so you're eating half as many calories..... cool!
so low in calories you can eat twice as much!
Return of Radio man

Hi Folks
well, if you are interested, pehaps you can click on the Podcast logo on the right hand side of this page and link yourself to Podcasting from PDBC & Prayer Week. Now featuring the gorgeous guy LIVE on radio.
Okay, I can hear you all clambering for the button, or perhaps that was the sound of you shutting your computer down.

Shucks.......... Oh well, have a nice weekend. Don't forget to comment, it's easy. Stop looking in and not saying 'Hello', let's be friendly
p.s. The snow is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thou Shalt Not.......
'thou shalt not weigh more than thy refridgerator'
this is a new commandment that is doctrinally sound and well worthy of consideration to one and all of you believing bloggers.
Yes we have started to try once more to lose those few extra pounds or 'so' that attatch themselves to ones hips, bum and tum.... Then simply refuse to budge!
How they got there is one of life's great mysteries known only to the owners of the 'cheesecake factory'
But the fact remains we are fat! fat! fat!
The new diet is low-fat, low-sugar, low-carb, low-calories, low-food,
Simply eat dust m'dear!
Radio Man
Yesterday I had to stay home and work while Steve gallavanted off to UCB to go live on the Radio at 8.30am with Anne Henderson. Now this is okay I guess, but there I am just listening in on my TV, when on she comes and promptly announces

"Good morning listeners this morning I've got a handsome looking guy sitting opposite me,...... Steve Houghton from Prayer Week.
Now fortunatley, I'm not the jealous type and fortunatley I agree with her, he is.............. but did it sound like she was flirting to you???????
Should I let him out on his own again?
Answers welcome via the comment system
By the way, he did a great job,.... so natural and happy as he gabbed his way through a LIVE interview. I was very proud.
Mind you, if you know Steve, you will know that talking has always been a strong point of his!
Are you Willing?
Step out of the Old and into The New … Are You Willing?
A New Year….Out with the old, and bring in the new. It’s a new season.
The Lord says “Forget the former things, behold I am doing a new thing!”
I believe that God is saying we are entering into a new move of the Spirit, we’ve had revelation, we’ve had experience, now is the time of manifestation…..
But not as before, not as we expect!
God is going to move by His Spirit to bring about the manifestation of healing, restoration and the salvation of many..
This is the year of the in-gathering;
God is bringing in the harvest. And he is looking for labourers. Are you willing?
God is preparing his church to receive the lost, the needy, and the broken. We have been comfortable for long enough. We have been prepared for this time.
We have received the Spirit of God in ways that have made us laugh, cry, intercede on our faces before a Holy God, fall down and stand up and fall down again! And we’ve been restored in our deepest hearts, in our inner being….
Renewal ……. It’s all been for a purpose…
We have been prepared for NOW!
It is time to turn all our ‘spirituality’ into ‘practicality’
It is time to rise up as mature believers of God, healed, restored, forgiven, who are prepared to lay down our own agendas, our selfishness, lay down our lives,
to make the house of God accessible to the lost… Are you willing?
To ask ourselves who are we here for? Are we preparing a place that is comfortable for ourselves, the churched?
Or are we preparing a place that is comfortable for the lost, the unchurched?
Its time to look at how we do church, take a fresh look at ourselves through the eyes of the unchurched, your neighbour, your unsaved family member, would they like what they see?
Jesus was called a friend of sinners, he was attractive and appealing, he was real, and he spoke the language of the people. He met people at their point of need….
Are we doing what Jesus would do?
It is time for the harvest….. It is no longer about us;
God wants us to go after the lost sheep… Are you willing?
We have to lay aside our traditions, our way of doing things, our desires, our style of worship, because it is no longer about the sheep in the pen, but about the lost sheep who don’t have any understanding of tradition and church style….
It is time to get relevant!!!!!
To reach the generation that we are born into…
You were born for a purpose… Don’t miss it!!!
Serve the purposes of God in your generation…….
Rise to the challenge!
Are you willing to say, “Yes Lord, count me in!”
We've arrived home
So what is it that always happens when you arrive home from a trip
Firstly, you step off the plane at Manchester and the temperature of -2, hits you like a brick wall............ brrrrrrr!!!!!
Then you wearily collect your luggage, after a 14 hour journey, and miracle upon miracles they are all together and almost first off, wooohoooo.........
You walk through the exit and are met with a big smile from your son (AAAhhhhhh :-) isn't that sweet but then just when you think your there, you turn a corner and a large sign welcoming you home by name is fixed in the hands of the woman who keeps being sick all the time. Yes Sarah, in her own inimitable style gave us a welcome home to remember. WELCOME HOME GILL & STEVE HOUGHTON
(it actually said more but we can't quote here - if you know us well enough, you'll have to phone for the full version)It just doesn't get any better than this, but as you drive home and chat, the lady with the sign, is sick on route Yuk!! but at least she kept it outside the car. Well Done Pregnant Canadian Lady, you did a good job, just a pity all those police speed cameras filmed the entire sad seqeunce.
(We actually had to pull over directly in front of them, in a police van)We arrive home, a quick cup of tea, YUM, and then reality, empty the cases and ?????????????

Yes the washing emerges from the smelly suitcases, it's almost like being sick but materialistically
Good to be Home though, see some of you soon
Alex and Tara we miss you so Much!!!!!