Lets Celebrate! It's Party Time! Happy Weekend!!!

Hi Everyone.... Gill 'ere...
It's been an exciting week, lots to celebrate this weekend
Kyria coming into our lives! thats a most amazing wonderful event, were grandparents now!!!!
how cool is that?????

Sarah had her 21st Birthday, kinda lost in the arrival of her sweet 'lil daughter.
but happy 21st Sarah, love ya lots!, you're a woman now, 21 !!
Lee's coming up to celebrating his 30th soon! Steve also has a birthday coming soon too and Phil and Alan.... anyone else I've forgotten?
Ray&Bex are celebrating a new begining in their lives by going to Bible school down south!
Also Sarah's family Mom, Ron, Cassie & Reiley have been to stay from Canada, great fun but sadly we have to say goodbye this weekend....Arhhhh! come back soon.

Joachim had a birthday last tuesday, he's 8.. what a great guy... we love him so much.
but I'm next... It's my birthday tomorrow, hoorah!
Also the great success of i61 and the summer kids club, yep. it's all good!
If you are in the area Saturday afternoon do call in and say Happy Birthday to me....
oh yeah, and happiness, love, congrats and blessings to all the others.....
(bring food, drink etc. standing room only if you all come eek!)
Which one SCARES you the Most?????
We had a great day today at 'i61'
But the question is which one of these 'pics' scares you the most????
This One?? (pic 1)

Or this one??? (pic 2)

Or maybe this one (Pic 3)

or our last offering (pic 4) This one
Nana & Grandad & Kyria

As you all can see, since our last entry-
Prayer really does work!!!!
Just in time before the deadline for the induction, Sarah went into labour naturally.
Kyria Faith was born sunday 13th August at 11.38pm.......
Thanks all so much for praying... Isn't she lovely?
We are blessed!
(photo rebeccahelen.co.uk)
Anyone out there like to pray?
If you believe that prayer works,
please pray really really hard that Sarah, my lovely daughter-in-law will go into labour today. She is one week past her due date and the mid-wife wants to start the inducing thingy tomorrow which Sarah really would prefer to do without! To put it politely.....
You need to check out her blog to see quite how much she prefers to do without!
Don't go there though if you're easily shocked....
One..two...three... all together now......
P.U.S.H. pray until something happens!
Some people have told me, …………………..

Some people have told me, …………………..
Some people have told me, You need to grow first before you do that”
Some people have told me, “Perhaps when you’ve been to Bible College”
Some people have told me, “You need a degree, then an MA, then a Doctorate, then a …”
Some people have told me, “Well your just not people, people are you?”
Some people have told me, “You’ll never make a Pastor”
Some people have told me, “You’re a worse sinner than I am, so how could God use you?”
Some people have said, “Why waste your time?”
Some people have told me, “It will never happen the way you see it”
Some people have told me, “You didn’t need to leave”
Some people have told me, “I’m glad you didn’t stay”
Some people have told me, “Why climb the mountain when you can just keep on going as you are”
Some people have told me, “It doesn’t matter it’s all down to predestination”
Some people have told me, “Why go?”
Some people have told me, “It’s a flash in the pan”
Some people have told me, “You’re arrogant and big headed”
Some people have told me, “You’re a control freak”
Some people have told me, “Sit back and wait for revival”
Some people don’t know the word of God
God says in Philip. 4:13 “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”
Who do you listen too?
Me and My Big Mouth!

Prov. 18:21
Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.“Me and my big mouth” how many times have I said that?
How many times have I opened my mouth and put my foot right in it???
Ever said something and immediately wish that you hadn’t,
Wish you could take it back?
It sometimes seems like the mouth has a mind of its own!
The source of most of your problems can be found within you—from the neck up,
You'll find them in the thoughts that come from your mind
And the words that come from your mouth.
We must really get an understanding of the incredible power carried by our thoughts and words.
They are so powerful that they can bring either good things or bad things into our lives, depending on their nature.
Many years ago, my life was sad because of years of wrong thinking and speaking.
In fact, my philosophy of life was, "don’t expect too much, you’ll never be disappointed."
I was very cynical and negative.
My thoughts were negative, which caused my words to be negative...
Which all reflected badly in my life.
Finally it was Steve who pointed this out to me, he said,
“Will you listen to yourself, stop being so negative, stop putting yourself down”
I realized he was right, it was a habit that I had gotten into…
So I decided I needed to do something about it, I needed to change my ways and stop talking so negatively.
Not easy… Habits can be hard to break.
And after a while I realized that I needed to do more than just not talk negatively.
Cutting out the negative wasn't enough…
I had to begin to think and talk positively!
I think some people try to control their mouths but do nothing about their thoughts.
That is like pulling off the top of a weed--unless the root is dug up, the weed always comes back.
You'll never control your mouth,
Unless you first learn to control your mind.
The Bible tells us that we can transform our life by changing our thoughts.
Romans 12:2 Be transformed into a new person by changing the way you think.Remember, what is in our hearts and minds will come out of our mouths……. They are linked.
If our mind is full of negative things, we'll find those things coming our way.
You are what you think, and you get what you say!
Well, I can’t help what I think can I?
Yes you can … it may take some practice but you can do it!
When a depressing, negative though comes into your mind, you can choose, you can dwell on it, nurture it, embrace it, feed it - you can make it grow.
And pretty soon you will end up depressed, that thought will effect your emotions, your attitude and your life!
It will take over.
Or you can choose when that depressing thought comes your way, you can dismiss it.
And say it may be something that’s happening right now, but I’m not going to dwell on it.
I’m not going to start to worry about the 'what if’s' and all the negative possibilities,
no I’m not going down that route.
Are you in a rut of negative thinking and life is getting you down?The first step to get out of that mess is recognizing that the only person who can improve the situation is YOU!
We must take responsibility for our own actions.
As long as we make excuses for ourselves and blame other people we will never be free to live our lives to the full
We must realize that to a large extent, we can control our own destinies.
We are not in the hands of ‘fate’ or ‘chance’…..
We have to learn to choose the right thoughts, its time to think about what you’re thinking about!
And watch your mouth, the words that you speak!
Don’t criticize your kids - don’t criticize your partner -
Speak words of life that build up not tear down……
Your words have power…
So this week, think about what you’re thinking about…….
Listen to what you say….
Or as Steve said to me. Will you listen to yourself?
For full message check out i61 podcast 6/8/06
For our 100th Blog - I thought I'd make it useful

Whilst preparing for my message from Daniel next Wednesday I found this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How to Survive If Your Parachute Fails to Open
1. As soon as you realize that your chute is bad, signal to a jumping companion (presuming you are not jumping alone) whose chute has not yet opened that you are having a malfunction. Wave your arms and point to your chute.
2. When your companion (and new best friend) gets to you, hook arms.
3. Once you are hooked together, the two of you will be falling at terminal velocity, or about 130 miles per hour. When your friend opens his chute, there will be no way either of you will be able hold on to one another, because the G-forces will triple or quadruple your body weight. To prepare for this problem, hook your arms into his chest strap, or through the two sides of the front of his harness, all the way up to your elbows, and grab hold of your own strap.
4. Open the chute. The chute opening shock will be severe, probably enough to dislocate or break your arms.
5. Steer the canopy. Your friend must now hold on to you with one arm while steering his canopy (the part of the chute that controls direction and speed). If your friend’s canopy is slow and big, you may hit the grass or dirt slowly enough to break only a leg, and your chances of survival are high. If his canopy is a fast one, however, your friend will have to steer to avoid hitting the ground too fast. You must also avoid power lines and other obstructions at all costs.
6. If there is a body of water nearby, head for that. Of course, once you hit the water, you will have to tread with just your legs and hope that your partner is able to pull you out before your chute takes in water.
Summer's Here and it's a Blast!

Last sunday during church we had a blast, some good music,
kids club for all the age groups -with Jeff & Christine -
a short message from me (Gill) for the grown-ups, on how to enjoy your life to the full.
Then after church we had a hog-roast, yummy, very popular with one an all, bouncy castle, face paints, all the stuff - Great!

Every wednesday we hang out with the guys at the Kids club...
making lots of new friends!
wise word again
'A lot of people are waiting for Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi to come back -- but they are gone.
We are it. It is up to us. It is up to you'
Marian Wright Edelman
wise words
What seeds are you planting today?
'Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.'
Robert Louis Stevenson