Stop Talking and Start Doing!
Too many people do too much talking and too little doing...
Life is about doing, not talking. Life is about stepping into the arena and playing, not sitting in the stands and watching others play. Life is about participation not spectating.
The safest place, we think, is in the stands. But is this really safe? If sitting in the stands means we never 'do', never safe is that? How safe is it to look back on our life and regret what we have not done, what we only thought about doing?
Where is the most fun to be had? I say it is in the doing. Memories come from remembering things you have done not what you have not done.
It can, of course, take courage to step off the sidelines and into the game, and we all need a little help from time to time.
But one thing is clear, once you've taken that first step onto the playing field, you never want to go back into the stands. Life is just too much fun!
Go For It!!!!!
wise words
Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work -
Thomas J. Edison
Different Churches
'Hello' said the little boy. 'Hi' replied the little girl. 'Where are you going'? asked the little boy. 'I've been to church this morning and I'm on my way home', answered the little girl. 'Me too', replied the little boy. 'I'm also on my way home from church'.
'Which church do you go to?' asked the little boy. 'I go to the Baptist church back down the road' replied the little girl. 'What about you?' 'I go to the Methodist church back at the top of the hill', replied the little boy.
Since they are both going the same way, they decided that they'd walk together.
They came to a low spot in the road where spring rains had partially flooded the road so there was no way that they could get across to the other side without getting wet.
'If I get my new Sunday dress wet my Mom's going to skin me alive' said the little girl.
'My Mom'll tan my hide too if I get my new Sunday suit wet', replied the little boy.
'I tell you what I think I'll do' said the little girl. 'I'm gonna pull off all my clothes and hold them over my head and wade across'.
'That's a good idea', replied the little boy. 'I'm going to do the same thing with my suit'.
So they both undressed and waded across to the other side without getting their clothes wet. They were standing there in the sun waiting to drip dry before putting their clothes back on when the little boy finally remarked, 'You know, I never did realize before just how much difference there really is between a Baptist and a Methodist'.
HUGE Success
Just a brief Blog to say How Great is our God.
Yesterday we did our first Childrens Summer Club with a mindset that we would work up to a possible number of 25 kids at each of the two sessions. (AM & PM)
Well we had 26 at the morning session and 22 at the afternoon session although some of the afternoon kids had been to the morning one. It was a huge success and the possibilites for the rest of the summer are limitless. So all hands on deck and pray-ers get praying.
Thank You Lord
as i61 goes up a gear for the summer.
It's the HOG ROAST on Sunday - will you be there???? Meeting starts at 11am
Let's Catch Up on Stuff
Sarah has had a few moments in the last few days where she felt she might be going into labour BUT as yet there is still no sign of the baby. Please keep praying.
Many thanks for all the prayers for my crashed computer.
I'm glad to be able to report that we have everything almost back together and in ship shape condition.
I was at a meeting last week in Birmingham for Prayer Week 2007. It has the potential to be awesome.
We will be starting on Saturday 19th May at N.E.C. Birmingham where 10,000 Christians will gather together to pray, releasing them to go into all the land and pray joining tens of thousands of others who couldn't come to the NEC. Throught the week we hope to see people everywhere walk the nation. Culminating in us all joining with 128 nations across the world for 'Global Day of Prayer' on Sunday 27th May.
Our friend, Carl Brettle, is staying with us this weekend. Check his blog out for some fun 'GOLF' stuff
CLICK HERENext Sunday (30th July) sees our 2nd Hog Roast event at
'i61'.We extend an invitation to you all to come and join us for some succulent (FREE) Pig meat. It's worth coming just for the food but we will be having a host of other fun stuff. (from 12.15pm)
We also start our Kids Summer Club this coming Wednesday (26th July) with a 'Tee Shirt' time. Bring your kids to Bryn Morfa at 10.30am for a great time with Jeff & Christine and the team, and design your own Tee Shirt (everything will be provided)
After all that, we might just look like this:--
what every man needs to know about women....
By popular demand, okay here it is - words of wisdom for husbands by Steve-O
1. always let your wife think she's having her own way even when she's not
2. always pay attention even when you're not listening
3. always let your wife have sex whenever she wishes, as long as its with you
4. always open a door for a lady, she will love you for it,
especially when shes pregnant because she can't reach the handle herself.
5. remember the lady loves the belgium chocolates
6. but smarties are cheaper
7. flatulance during romantic encounters are definitely not recommended
8. tell her she looks gorgeous even when she looks like the back-end of a bus,
9. tell her she looks gorgeous especially when she looks like the back-end of a bus.....
10.and last but not least - really REALLY mean it!!!!!
ummmm, maybe one more if all that fails.....
11. better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all......
Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.....
Hebrews 11:1
We know it's there, It's not just a dream or wishful thinking.
It's formed within us already and sooner or later it's gonna come out!!!!
What is being formed by God on the inside of you?
Women for your eyes only ......
Making Marriage Work
Key one: When the going gets tough, the tough stay right where they are!
Key two: Accept your husband and change yourself!
Key three: Spend time alone with your husband.
Key four: Guard your mind!
Key five: Learn to Communicate!
Key six: Discover your husband’s language of love!
Key seven: Meet your husband’s sexual needs.
Key eight: Become your husband’s strongest fan!
Hebrews 3:13 Encourage one another daily.
Every man should be able to trust his wife and what she says about him. Every wife should be able to trust her husband and what he says about her.
In the marriage relationship, we should count on each other to be a cheerleader!
Don’t criticize your husband to your friends.
Don’t criticize your husband to your children.
Don’t criticize your husband to other family members.
Make a list of your husband’s good points and then broadcast them!
Psalm 141:3 Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord. Keep watch over the door of my lips.
When it comes to the words we speak to or about our husband, we need to pray, “Dear Lord, help me to bridle my tongue, so that on judgment day I will not be guilty of assault with a deadly weapon!”
Don’t be a dream-buster! Instead, be a dream-sharer.
Look for reasons in your husband to praise God! And if one dream has died, rest assured that your God will give you another! Ladies, if your husband is leading in the wrong direction, your choices are to:
Stay and make life miserable
Or to say to him... "I am committed to you. I disagree with you on this issue, but I am with you!" Then turn your dream and your husband over to God...the One who can bring you to a place of unity.
But whatever you do, be your husband's strongest and most faithful fan!
( do leave a comment love to know what you think) Gill x
The Need for Good Communication !!!!
A guy walking down a street one day noticed a man struggling with a washing machine in the doorway of his home. When he volunteered to help, the homeowner was overjoyed. After several minutes of fruitless struggle the man said to the homeowner, 'We'll never get this washing machine in there.' To which the homeowner replied in amazement, 'In? I'm trying to get it out!'
Cooperation is impossible without good communication. And that principle holds whether it's in your home, your business or your church. Never assume that anybody 'knows' anything. The truth is, some people are afraid to admit that they don't know lest they be ridiculed. Others need more time and personal attention before they 'get it.' If you're a fast-tracker with a day timer and a short fuse, people won't feel comfortable asking for your help. So, if the job's not getting done right, the problem could be your inability to communicate clearly and consistently, rather than their inability to do the job properly.
Without clear communication two things happen: 1) The right people get discouraged and quit, like one worker who complained, 'I feel like I'm part of a mushroom farm; left completely in the dark and fed manure from time to time!' 2) The wrong people become empowered, and chaos results. So, if there's strife and confusion where you live and work, rather than harmony and clear direction, go back and read Paul's thoughts on good communication: 'I appeal to you...that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.'
Taken from UCB Word for Today check out
Where is God?
There were two boys who lived in a small little town a bit like Conwy.
Now these two boys were especially naughty and always in trouble.
After the two boys got caught for stealing one day their mother sent them to talk to the Pastor of the local church.
So the two boys went to talk to the pastor and the pastor asked the smallest child to come in and talk to him.
Well the pastor asked the young child "do you believe in God?"
the young boy answered shyly "yes"
so the pastor said ok "do you know where God is?"
the young boy had a puzzled look on his face and said "nope"
so the pastor said again
"do you know where God is?" the boy looked back and said "I already told you no" so the pastor asked a last time "do you know where God is?" at that time the boy jumped up, ran out the room and straight to his older brother.
The older brother asked "What’s wrong?"
the young boy answered "were in big trouble now"
"oh well were always in trouble what’s the big deal?"
the young boy answered
"Now God is missing and they think we've done it."
How long does it take to change ????/
Okay this is a bit different and I got a little bored and was surfing the web and came across this
Click Here NOWClick the link and then comment. What do you think of it?????
We Are Family!
To all at i61...
Phil 1:3-6 (ANIV)
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It came to our mind today the real truth of this verse, when we started to consider just how amazing our church is, and how much we really think of you all.
It's a truly unique experience to have so many people who feel such a oneness together.
When Paul wrote this, we can all feel assured he meant it. But we have never expereinced it ourselves............. that is until now.
We are in such wonderful friendship with so many people we just want to echo Pauls thoughts.
'I give praise to my God every time I remember you.'
You are a blessing to us both. You are loved and appreciated and together we can do ALL THINGS for God.
His plans are tangible, almost improbable but also, fully reachable.
Love ya all! xxxx
i61 Alpha
We started the Alpha Course tonight,
we had a good time.... coffee,sandwiches and a short DVD by Nicky Gumbel...
and lots of talking, yes talk talk talk, thats what we love to do.... we can put the world to rights for sure...
please do come and join us next week if you're interested in God and finding out more,
thursday 6pm at i61 church
... see you there!
Bats in the Belfry
Guess what? we got bats in the loft! apparently its a nursery colony of about 75 - 100 bats! eekkk! they stay for a few months to have their babies, each momma bat has one baby sometimes twins, rears them, teaches them to fly, then they leave....
Wow just watch them all leave the roost to go out hunting for insects at dusk.............
Sunday was ever so much fun!!!!
Church was so much fun on sunday, puppets an' all, after church we had even more fun, if that were even possible!
We had a Bouncy castle, BBQ, Face painting, nail bar, bike ride, football,
and Cuzoo the clown came to do some balloon modeling, and hug a baby, it was so cool!
Why not check out the website for the latest news.
Looking Back
Yes you may have seen this photo before but as It's one of my favourites I thought I'd blog it again
So much has taken place since March 1st when it was taken
By the way I'm blogging via a new system, (FLOCK) hence the unusual content
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