Happy New Year

Yes we know it's not the new Year yet but with this time difference thing, we may miss it tomorrow so thought we'd get in early and wish you a Happy New Year,
Glückliches Neues Jahr (German)
Nouvelle Année Heureuse (french),
Nuovo Anno Felice (Italian),
Feliz Año Nuevo (Spanish) and
明けましておめでとう (Japanese) .
Oh yes, the American air is having a tremendous effect on our ability to use
We are off to Denny's for Breakfast soon and then off to the beach, yes you heard right, the beach. The temperature has risen steadily since those early days of 40F and is now in the 80's.
Lee and Sarah will be flying home tonight, celebrating the New Year several times as they cross the Atlantic. Have a great trip guys.
And to anyone else have a
'Stupendous 2006'
Tara had FUN on her Birthday and made a new friend!!!

We haven't blogged for two days now because we have been in recovery....
from what you may well be asking????
Good question, well we have been recovering from the heaven and hell that is called Disney World!
On Wednesday it was Tara's22nd birthday and we all went off to Orlando to spend a fun-filled day at Disney and all I can say is that the whole world wanted to be part of the birthday fun, because I have never seen so many people in one place at one time!!!!!
More than once during the day we found ourselves unable to move in the sheer volume of people, it was quite scary ( think of football crowds at FA cup time you Brits)
HELP... I need my space people!!!!!!!
Having an hour or more wait for the rides was well worth it as we got to shoot at
Buzz Lightyear and the aliens!!!! ride the rocky mountain roller coaster and sail the high seas with the pirates of the Caribbean!!!!
So for the last two days we have been recovering with movies, good food, good wine, good company and lots of sleep ZZzzzzzzzzzz (thats Steve snoring!)
The movies 'Screaming and Kicking' and 'Millions' are such good fun and highly recommended to one and all.....
Today we also got some sun by the pool at our condo, yeahhhhhh at last!
Into the land of KrispyCremes MMMmmmmm!!!

Yes, yesterday we ventured into the weird and crazy world of Krispy Cremes, Original flavoured, cinnamon glaced flavoured, chocolate covered flavour Mmmmmm!!!!! Yummy, be jealous you bloggers, drool at the very sight of such deliciousness!!!!!
Be honest you want one, don't you
Notice the cryptic message to all of you out there who may be checking us out, on the front of the box a little message, 'Need FUNds', well it's that sort of place, money just runs through the fingers here but it sure is FUN.
Anyway, today we are up early as it's Tara's birthday and we are out for the day, having more FUN. Blog tomorrow, see ya!!!!
Happy Hannakuh

Last night we celebrated the start of Hannakuh in City Place, it was cool!
The Jewish population in West Palm Beach were in party mood, with dancing, music and singing....we had fun!
What a place to celebrate the 'festival of lights'
City Place was lit up big time, every palm tree, bush, shrub or building was ablaze with lights.
Go to
FILM CLIP to see a 1 minute clip but be warned this is over 4mb in size
We had to go without Alex because he was working, arhhh! But we bought him a big slice of Cheescake to go from Cheesecake Factory.... yummmmm!
Temperature dropped to 45' last night, hey I thought this was Florida! Whatever next?? SNOW!!!!
Yes at last, here it is...It's a First..OUR BLOG

Yes here we are at last, caught by the blogging BUG. It's infectious and contagious so watch yourselves, Steve & Gill are on-line and ready to do battle with all you blogging nutters
Well, for our first entry, here we are in Florida. (not picture, that's to remind us of home).
We travelled Christmas Day, it was quiet on the first plane, packed on the 2nd one. Americans just don't know how to chill out on Christmas day, but at least we saw a few Christmas hats along the way. In fact our counterparts across this large pond have more festive cheer than we Brits at times.
It may be sunny here but WOW do they know how to decorate their streets. Pictures to follow, watch this space.
Not sure who to tell about this epic step in our lives but perhaps we'll limit it to Lee, Sarah, Alex and Tara for now (oh and of course 'bean') ..... Luv Ya all