A Mountain Top Experience

Yes here we were at 8am this morning - Having a Mountain top experience - in Prayer
Matthew 18:20 For where two or more come together in my name, there am I with them"
We prayed over the new church - i61 - over the local housing estates - the local school - over the town and locality.

We prayed with a passion! (I was taking the pictures)
Psalm 5:3
In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.
We will be in this spot every morning this week
at 8am - Please do come and join us

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.
We will be in this spot every morning this week
at 8am - Please do come and join us
and bring a coat :)
That looks like fun! I'll be there bright and early tomorrow morning. Oh wait, I can't!
Hey is that the mountain where the sheep get themselves stuck and then people make a big deal out of it and are sent to rescue the sheep that don't want to be rescued?
Love you all!!!!!!!!
Yes Tara, that's where the sheep get into trouble and you can join us Thursday morning. Okay??
don't forget your coat
I'm totally in for prayer on top of the mountain!!!
I love the pictures!!!!
We're still in Rome right now . . .but Lee and I can get in the Thursday and Friday meetings, will that do???
Miss you guys!!! All of our LOVE coming your way!!!
Everyone is missing you too
missing you like crazy Sarah!! *sniff*
Sunday felt very strange without you. Come back now!
i never knew that praying could make your legs ache so much..... it is so good though, we should make it a regular thing!
liz is coming tomorrow, the prayer base
is growing!
sarah, you are 6 months preggers! are you sure you want to climb a mountain?
i'll show you the easy route if you like? (my secret)
anyone else wanna come? e-mail for directions for a small charge...
hehe! it'll still make yer legs ache if yer as unfit as me!!!!!!
Hey you mountaintop people......turn around...the river flows from the valley to the sea....call the people out of the valley to the mountain. There they will gather and lift arms to the Lord and the Lord will bless them and they will return to their valley and say to the people 'Surely the Lord is good, let us go together and meet Him on the high places, let us lift our heads up from the valley.'
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