WOW - that was a day, that was

Dear Friends,
we love you all, and thank God for all the prayers you offered on our behalf today.
'i61' went live and we were overwhelmed as 75 people (with the 15 children) came to our first service.
Now we are not stupid, we know that some were on holiday, some won't be here next week, some where there for their children, and others, well for many reasons.
BUT the fact is that people who wouldn't normally be in church...... WERE. and for that we are truly grateful
Lee & Sarah led us in 3 songs which was a great start as we sought to connect with people who didn't know the songs (but that's okay, we knew they wouldn't)
An offering for 'Hope House' and 'Compassion' (they are gonna be happy, it was good) included a time of prayer for world and local issues.
Then came Tex Mex and Myfanwy (alias Jeff & Christine) who were absolutely hilarious as they introduced us to 2 characters who promised to be back (way to go guys.... it was cool).
One more song and Gill came up with a 20 minutes Easter Message entitled "What's so amazing about Jesus?" It set tongues wagging after the service with questions about being born-again, whats that? What is a Christian? and 'Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God' (O bliss!!!)
A 5 minute Multimedia clip to music left people with tissues out and questions in their hearts
One last event and the kids went off on their Easter Egg hunt. It was cool, eggs everywhere and kids running around squealing with delight as they found another
And then it was all over.
Will we see people next week? ........... Only God knows but we know we did God's work today and we left feeling satisfied and filled up
The afternoon was spent at home barbecuing for 20 people as we had asked a few back to spend time together. It was great watching the kids play footy and the adults attempt to keep up with them.
How did today go?? ............. Well, all I know is,............ I love church............. it's great
If you would like to join our Prayer Team from around the world praying for 'i61' Click here and drop us an e-mail
I love church too!!!
It was great today, a little scary at first (but then stepping out always is) but exciting!!!
I just feel really hopeful about what the future is going to bring i61!!!
Me too!!
I loved seeing how people opened up to us when they saw how non-threatening and easy going we were.
I think I was the adult you were talking about trying to keep up with the kids playing football.
It's going to be interesting to see what happens next week!
Another bacardi and coke please mafanwy.
Glad it all went well
Mmmm taste, as in food *drools* I like food!
And I like YOU, that's right YOU!!! You're one attractive human being!
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