What a Burk!!!!!!!!!!

This is probably the most stupid thing I've ever done
This morning, I went to the cash dispenser at Tesco's as I had a long day and needed money just in case.
I did the usually, enter the pin, waited and took the card out - £50 yes thank you - put my wallet back in my pocket and away I went
I was driving out when I thought, hang on a minute I don't remember putting the money in my wallet. I checked and sure enough, just the card - NO CASH - OH NO!!!!
What's the chance it's still there, it was very quiet at 8.15 in the morning. A quick U-Turn and back to the machine - NOTHING - so I went to Customer Services - maybe some honest person has handed it in.
I thought I was the only stupid person in the world but was assured by the young lady behind the counter it's a common occurence and NO, nobody had given the money in
She did explain that the money only stays there 10 seconds and if it's not removed, it pulls it back in and credits it back to your account (I didn't know that), so I still had hope.
I went back to the machine for a mini-statementt but the money had been removed
Oh Well, I hope it blessed whoever took it - Then I prayed "Convict them Lord, may they have a day realizing what they did was wrong"
How did your day start??????????????
that sucks.
Lee said that you forgot the money cuz you're getting old . . .is that true?
I know, I know - "Cheek!"
I was just kidding by the way! We could dust the cash machine down for prints and then "visit" everyone and ask them politely if they took your money, if so, that's when we break out the bat!
I would agree with you that you are a "burk" but I have noooooo clue what that word is or means? So I just think you are getting old and stuff....
I would have taken the money. forgive me Lord.
Those are some beautiful fingernails you got there!
Okay you young uns, hold it right there. Yes Jackie, I could have said I was sowing into someones life but I wasn't (that was a good idea!!!!!), anyway I'm holding back 'Old Age' pretty well thank you all for you concern but there is no need to think I'm ready for pushing up the daisies yet. Burk means Dork!!!! I might have considered the prints thing but the thought of the 'bat' put me off. The rest of my day was great, so there - Ha!
Love you all anyways
Cunning piece of social research Steve- you reeled in not only the opportunist but also the armchair experts and critics.....I look forward to seeing the publish paper.
Cutting edge again...pushing the boundaries again. Keep it up Steve
Ha Phil
you crack me up - okay for the sake of research, 'What would you have done??'
ha! you talk about losing money you get 13 comments. that's the way it goes!!
Today I was given £200 - Ha!
Oh yeah??? Well, half of the 200 pounds went towards MY lunch!!
HA HA!!! (Double ha because I worked out that somehow this was a competition and I bet you!)
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